Teaching Calligraphy Effectively

http://files.bvcg.ca/images/books/Teaching%20Calligraphy%20Effectively.pdfA project completed in 2020 by Bow Valley Calligraphy Guild volunteers,
Ann Purdy, Molly Naber-Sykes, and Thea Lynn Paul

updated May 2021
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This teaching manual was inspired by Betty Locke and her handbook entitled “Teach Calligraphy? Who? Me?” (May 1993). In 2019, Molly Naber-Sykes used Betty’s handbook (with her permission) in our local Calgary, Alberta, Canada guild’s “How to Teach Calligraphy” course. The feedback we received inspired us to make these ideas and skills more widely available.
Our goal is to encourage you to think about sharing your love of calligraphy by teaching others. If you have ever thought about using your knowledge and skills to teach others, this book is for you. If you have taught calligraphy and want to improve your teaching skills, please read on. For everyone, keep this manual handy as an ongoing resource.
The COVID-19 pandemic changed the world as we were finishing this manual. The calligraphy community transitioned to more online courses. We have incorporated a few online learning strategies to help you navigate teaching online.
This project was completed by volunteers with the intention that it be shared far and wide within the calligraphic community as a free resource to inspire and support calligraphy teachers around the world. Kindly share it with everyone you know.
We would appreciate your feedback on this manual. Please let us know what worked and what did not work for you. We welcome your ideas about how to improve and enlarge this project. You can reach us at (please copy & paste) bvcgteachingmanual@gmail.com
Special thanks to Betty Locke, always the teacher, and to Christine Ahmad who put together the cover page for our manual, which was inspired by the 2020 BVCG Banner (http://www.bvcg.ca/p/gallery.html).
We also thank the following BVCG members who contributed the artwork showcased on the banner and cover page of the manual: Kirsten Horel, George Huitema, Renate Worthington, Kerri Forster, Valerie Louis, Lynn Slevinsky, Christine Ahmad, Gail Stevens, and Martin Jackson.

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