BVCG _Sept 2023_Galleria - N-Y

 More artwork from BVCG Sept 2023 Galleria in alphabetical order:

N to Y

Renate Worthington_Nature_IMG_1513

Sarah Widdowson_title_IMG_5226

Sharon Fahey_Layers_IMG_1516

Sharon Fahey_West Meets East_back_IMG_1524
Sharon Fahey_West Meets East_front_IMG_1523
Sharon Fahey_Wings of Freedom_IMG_1503
Susan Keyes_Coral Alphabet_4304
Thea Paul Collage_Fills My Soul
Thea Paul collage_To BeCreative_2
Violet Smythe_ hey diddle diddle_collage
Violet Smythe_Gloria Said_DSCN6938
Violet Smythe_Music of the Soul_ IMG_7365
Violet Smythe_White Rock_DSCN6754
Yogi Grunwald - Sticks & Stones

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